Take a moment to watch your best TikTok videos again. All of them are excellent because they feature high-quality music. Regardless of the type of content you create, a decent soundtrack can take your TikTok content from boring to fascinating. A big part of TikTok videos is the music. This allows you to incorporate a humorous element into your videos or align with a popular music trend. You can add music to your TikTok videos and create your own music on the platform. This blog post will show you how to do that. Allow us to begin!
Discover Music In TikTok And Browse Sounds
The goal is to find well-known songs that will make your new video more exciting. This is all you need to know about how to add music to TikTok videos! TikTok is more than just the place where dance trends and life hacks that make you wonder, “Why didn’t I think of that?” live. It’s also a wonderful place for music. Let’s dive straight into the question: How can you create the perfect song?
The TikTok Sound Library
You’ll see a choice to “Add sound” when you create videos on TikTok. You can listen to a huge selection of songs that fit any mood or scene. It functions similarly to Spotify for TikTok. You can use it as your own personal DJ, and it will work great.
Keyword Search
The search bar is always there for you if you need to find something special, like a sound clip. TikTok will give you a selection of tracks right away if you type in some buzzwords that capture the mood you’re going for.
Borrow From The Best
Have you ever found a TikTok video with the right music for your next video? Glad to hear it: you can also use the video’s original sound! As soon as you click the spinning record icon in the bottom right corner of the video, you can use that sound in your own production.
From Your Own Collection
Do you have any music on your external drive that you would like to use? Learn how to add music to your own TikTok videos with ease.
Using An External App
Let’s talk about external apps again. Let’s say you want to have more power over the music. You can layer, adjust volume, and even add effects to the music you choose using a third-party app.
Hold on tight—we’re about to get into the specifics!
How To Add Music To My TikTok Sound?
Add music to your TikTok videos. The music library on TikTok makes it simple to add music to your videos. Here’s how to do it.
Open TikTok App – Launch the TikTok app and sign in if you haven’t already.
Hit The “+” Button – This special button in the middle of the bottom of your screen is the first thing that will make you famous on TikTok.
Tap ‘Add Sound’ At The Top – At the top, you can access a vast array of music options. It has everything from the newest hits to old favorites.
Pick Your Tune – You can either scroll through the popular tracks or use the search bar to find a particular song.
Select And Record – To record, select the track you want and tap it. A red tick will show next to the track. Press “Check” to add the music to your video screen. Now, unleash your creativity and press the record button!
Add A Sound As Background Audio
You’re in luck if you’re making a video and want to keep the original sound but add some intriguing background music. Here’s how to get that right mix of sounds.
Capture Your Video – First, follow your usual procedure to record your video.
Tap ‘Add Sound’ – Once you’ve recorded your video, locate “Add Sound” to initiate the musical journey.
Learn how to use the pop-up menu.
- Sound Selection – The feature allows you to select a song from categories such as “Recommended,” “Favorites,” or “Recently Used.”
- Explore With The Magnifying Glass – This will take you to TikTok‘s huge sound library.
- Snip With Scissors – Using the Snip With Scissors icon, you can select the exact part of the song you want to use.
- Volume Control – Volume Control is located in the bottom right area and allows you to adjust the volume levels between your original sounds and the added audio to balance them out.
How do I search for music through the search bar?
TikTok is a place to play music. There are videos and music discovery tools.
Tap The ‘Search Bar’ Tab – Locate the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the “For You” page and click on it. This opens up a world of popular videos, sounds, and users.
Go To ‘Sounds’ – Navigate to “Sounds” to discover music relevant to your search topic. You can search for anything that comes to mind, such as a song, a singer, a mood, etc.
Like we already said, you can also go to the TikTok music library and use the search bar there! However, this method is useful for conducting a quick search, and you can access it directly from the “For You” page.
How To Use Audio Of Other TikTok Users?
If you come across a sound that you believe your fans will appreciate,
Tap The Spinning Record Icon – In most videos, this is in the bottom right corner of the screen. Tap the spinning record icon.
Select ‘Use This Sound’ – This option allows other users to tap on the same sound in videos and use it for their own purposes.
Save To Favorites – If you want to use the sound again later, save it to your favorites.
How Do You Add Your Own Music to TikTok?
It’s not as hard as you think.
Locate The Plus Icon – The plus sign is at the bottom of your TikTok screen. It’s your key to making video magic when you tap it.
Open The ‘Add Sound’ Menu – Once inside, look at the top and tap “Add Sound.” Get ready to discover all of TikTok’s music options.
Find The ‘Your Sounds’ Option – Navigate to “Your Sounds” from a list of tabs that includes “For You” and “Favorites.”
Here You’ll See A Couple Of Choices – Here, you can choose between “import local sound” and “import sound from video.”
Upload Your Unique Sound – There you have it! Just browse your device’s music files and choose one. Your TikTok video now incorporates your chosen sound.
Can You Add Any Music To TikTok Videos?
Yes, you can add any song from TikTok’s music library. Another option is to add your own music or speech.But be aware of copyright rules if you use music from someone else. The music library on TikTok has themes that are okay to use on the app. In other words, using these tracks doesn’t break any rights rules. If you use any music from outside TikTok’s library, TikTok may muffle your video or remove the audio due to copyright violations.
Can I Add Multiple Songs To One TikTok Video?
You can’t easily add multiple songs to a single video on TikTok at this time. If you have external video editing software that also lets you edit audio, you can mix several songs and add them to your video before you post it to TikTok.
What Formats Does TikTok Support For Video Uploads?
TikTok works with many video formats, such as MP4, MOV, MPEG, AVI, 3GP, WebM, and HEVC (H.265). To avoid uploading and quality problems, make sure your video is in one of these formats.
How Can I Ensure My Music Doesn’t Get Muted Or Removed On TikTok?
Use TikTok’s approved audio tracks to prevent muting or removal of your music. Find these tracks in the TikTok library or use your own audio without citing any music that might violate copyright.
Can I Adjust The Volume Of The Music On TikTok?
Yes, you can adjust the music volume in your videos using TikTok. To balance the original audio and the added music, adjust the volume after adding it. You can also get rid of the original sound by checking this box in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Final Thought:
Adding music to TikTok videos makes them more interesting. You’ve done it! You now understand how to add music to any TikTok videos, which opens up a world of possibilities. You can now participate in popular memes, add entertaining background videos, and create TikTok videos where the music goes perfectly with each scene. Spend some time this week preserving your favorite sounds, then experiment with creating a few new ones until you feel comfortable incorporating sound into your TikTok videos. You could soon be making your own videos that go viral!